I have been a small time gamer over the years but not dedicated to much outside of World of Warcraft. I have dabbled a bit in Magic: The Gathering in the last few years. I first started playing on deployment in 2009 in Afghanistan while waiting on a flight back home to the states. We had two days to kill and a buddy handed me a spare deck and told me I had to learn. We are both geeks at heart.
I recently have tried to look further into playing with a little more depth. I have on many occasions beaten friends and family but never have a beaten a seasoned player… mostly because I do not play often. I have tried a few websites on my own.
One site is a blog by Dee Barizo called Magic: Game Plan at http://magicgameplan.com/. In this site, Dee goes into several aspects of the gaming experience with MTG like deck building, pricing, playing and strategy. With it, Dee has several links throughout his sight that I personally found very helpful.
Dee also has a Bio page where he talks bit about himself and how he came to play and love the game. He talks also of his experiences getting started and some of his success along the way.
I am not saying that this blog is a be all/end all in the Magic: The Gathering repository of knowledge. But it is a small place that I have found useful to myself in a few ways to enhance my gaming experience. If anyone reading knows of any helpful sites on this or other geeky subjects please comment and share.