Thursday, November 18, 2010

That is AWSOME!

I would like to take a minute and share with you something I have recently learned. It is about Manga. Specifically, it is called Class S manga. Now for a few of you who think they know about it and think I am about to write about something strait up dirty, think again and read with an open mind.

Class S manga is a form of manga that has lead to many other forms of manga like Shojo Ai and Yuri. Class S, focusing on the homosexual female relationship between adolescent girls is often referred to as Class Shojo (meaning little girl), Class Sister or even Girl Love.

Class S took its roots in early twentieth century Japan where platonic love between females was greatly encouraged by society. This love was more of an emotional and/or spiritual bond between close female friends. At times, the relationship would turn sexual but that was not often the case. It was considered a part of growing up for all heterosexual young women.

Many of these love relationships took place in many of the country’s all girl schools that were quickly populating Japan. These relationships were expected only to last until graduation of the school, marriage or even death of one of the two girls’ in the relationship. If the relationship lasted longer than that, it was deemed immature.

One of the earliest pioneers in Class S fiction writing was Nobuko Yoshiya. Her novels of love between female characters showed not only an accepted behavior of the time but also shared some of her own sexual orientation as a lesbian. Her popular writings helped spur the growing popularity of Class S into the mainstream literature of early twentieth century Japan.

It was not until the 1970s that lesbian literature in western manga literature became more open. The name Yuri replaced Class S as the popular term for the phenomenon.

In the 1990’s, greater acceptance for this style and theme of writing along with a broader exposure to a larger fan base again spurred a new interest on the subject. For the most part, mainstream Yuri retained its essential roots of emotional and spiritual connection between its characters and did not always focus on interaction on a sexual basis. Also, full lesbian relationships were less subtle and more blatant with publications like Sailor Moon. However, a few publications were also written to target a growing curiosity among the male readers.

The 2000s saw a greater increase in Yuri popularity along with more sexually explicit themes. Although some of these were written for lesbian magazines, many were also written to specifically target male audiences.

Today, Yuri publications are found throughout the world in many popular manga outlets. Yuri has also been pared with many other styles of manga to include Mecha and Science Fiction.

Now if you are wondering as to why I would post this, it is a paper I had to do for school. I was told to pick a cartoon subject and I did. Can you believe that this stuff is actually printed for us to read?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

BlizzCon 2010

BlizzCon 2010 was a blast to attend this year. It took place October 22 and 23 at the Anaheim Convention Center. This year, the convention let fans take a close look at the soon to be released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion and even allowed for some to try out a demo of the game.

Also featured was the band Tenacious D with Jack Black and Kyle Gass. The preformed live for the fans during the closing ceremonies.

Blizzard also held their tournaments for World of Warcraft, Warcraft III and Starcraft II. I quickly figured out how much I was lacking when it came to laying these games compared to the contestants present that day. It was entertaining and even education to watch the efficiency and tactics that players involved into their competitive efforts.

Elsewhere on stage were various artists used by blizzard in their game creation. These artists created work live on stage throughout the day so that fans could witness the creation of their favorite virtual heroes and lands.

A live game show was hosted where attendees could test their knowledge of various Blizzard gaming lore. Many played and had fun. Prizes and bragging right lay in store for all who triumphed in that game. Although I knew many of those questions, I am saw quickly how much I did not know and was glad that I did not volunteer to play.

I wonder what BlizzCon 2011 has in store.